Professional Commercial Roof Repair in Lafayette, IN

Quality Work

Trustworthy Professionals

When you own a business, you have a lot on your plate. You have to keep the doors open and make sure everything is running smoothly, and sometimes, that means dealing with some unexpected surprises—like a damaged roof.

A commercial roof repair can be very costly and disruptive to your daily operations. But it doesn't have to be! Our team is here to help you find solutions that work for your business and get your roof back in shape so you can focus on what matters most—running your company!

Signs Your Commercial Roof Needs Repair

Maintaining the condition of your commercial roof is essential to ensure the safety and integrity of your building. Over time, roofs can experience wear and tear, leading to potential problems. It's important to be aware of the signs indicating that your commercial roof may need repair. Here are three key issues to watch out for:

Leaks or Ponding Water

If you notice water stains on the ceiling or if there is water pooling on your roof, it's a clear indication of a leak.

Damaged or Punctured Membrane

Inspect your roofing membrane for any signs of punctures, blisters, or damaged parts.

Open Seams

If you see any signs of open seams along the membrane and roof deck, this is also a sign that repairs are needed.

Different Types of Commercial Roofs We Repair

When it comes to commercial roof repair, various types of roofs require attention and restoration. The most prevalent type of repair relates to water leaks, which is common for roofs that have suffered from inadequate maintenance or neglect.

TPO Roof Repair

In the case of TPO roofs, our skilled technicians specialize in addressing common issues such as punctures, tears, and separation of seams.

EPDM Roof Repair

If you have an EPDM roof, our experienced technicians are equipped to handle repairs for leaks, membrane damage, and shrinkage.

Why Choose Us?

Trust Rhino City Construction for Your Commercial Roof Repairs

At Rhino City Construction, we understand the importance of a reliable and well-maintained commercial roof. Our expert team is committed to delivering top-quality repairs for different types of roofs, including TPO and EPDM. With our comprehensive solutions, you can have peace of mind knowing that your commercial property is protected. Contact us today for professional and efficient commercial roof repair services.

BBB Accredited With A Rating

20+ Years Of Combined Experience

A 10-year Workmanship Warranty

Locally Owned and Operated Company


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(765) 586-1608

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1023 Roberts Street, Lafayette IN, 47904

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10 year workmanship Warranty